Discover the advantages of having Yedda Blue at your resort

01. Increased Attractiveness

By having a Yedda Blue school located within the resort, it enhances the resort's appeal to families with school-aged children. This will lead to increased bookings and occupancy rates. Especially during low season.

02. Differentiation and Competitive Advantage

Resorts that offer an on-site Yedda Blue can differentiate themselves from competitors. It showcases the resort's commitment to providing a holistic experience for families, including exceptional education for their children.

03. Extended Stays and Repeat Visits

Families are more inclined to extend their stays or return to the resort if they know their children can continue their education seamlessly. This can contribute to longer guest stays and increased customer loyalty.

04. Enhanced Resort Facilities

Yedda Blue collaborate with resorts to utilize their facilities and amenities for various educational and extracurricular activities. This allows the resort to maximize the utilization of its resources and create additional revenue streams.

05. Community Engagement

Yedda Blue foster strong ties with the local community. Resorts can benefit from these connections by participating in community events and initiatives, which can further enhance the resort's reputation and relationship with the local area.

06. Attracting Talent

Resorts partnering with Yedda Blue may find it easier to attract and retain talented employees who have families. The availability of high-quality education for their children can be a significant factor in the decision-making process for potential employees.

Collaboration for growth

Two weeks family camp

A two-week package for resort accommodations + family camp

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Semester / School year

A true family staycation — with excellent schooling — allowing the family to Live, Play, and Work

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Long weekends / Holiday camps

Ordinary stays become extraordinary, as our addition of Super activities turn a holiday into an adventure

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Whether you have general questions about Yedda Blue, or you're ready for a collaboration, we look forward to connecting with you.

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Whether you have general questions about Yedda Blue, or you're ready for a collaboration, we look forward to connecting with you.

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